1 post about caffee

1 post about caffee

What an incredible time we had during the Karlova Days! 🌈 Vikerkaarekohv, in collaboration with amazing team from Peemoti Keskus, brought something truly special to the event.

We served up our now-famous rainbow waffles (yes they are famous now, I wont explain further), which were a hit among everyone who stopped by. It was heartwarming to see so many faces, both familiar and new, coming together to share in the joy and the vibrant atmosphere we created.

You could definitely say we had a “GAY OF A TIME”! 🏳️‍🌈☕️ Thank you to everyone who showed up and made this experience unforgettable. Your support means the world to us, and we can’t wait to bring even more color and flavor to your lives. Stay tuned for further collaborations together with @peemotikeskus

But really guys… Thank you! It was really fun :).

Kalevi 51, 5815 2948.
