Believe and hope!

Usu  ja loodaSulliwan Erki Pehk. Kaire Vilgats.Kayha Burns(USA) XXI Sajandi Orkester

These days, filled with genuine, nothing undisguised grief from the loss of loved ones, friends of comrades-in-arms, you are acutely aware that it is impossible to get used to this … I understand that there will be a lot of grief … the rest of my life “, as it was said in some movie … the rest …
In our society, it is customary to avoid topics related to losses and, as a rule, people are left alone with trouble .. At the same time, I am grateful who responded and did not pass us by … Low bow to all of you.
Today, let there be bright sadness with us, these are memories filled with light, hope and faith in the future … we must live on! As they say, times are not chosen, we had to live in different eras that made us cry and laugh, and also think about life, death and love. In the morning, I unexpectedly received greetings in the form of this disc, which was released by the ECUO EHPV back in 2008 …
Thank you for reminding us of the existence of our long-standing international ART project. But we have our own song “Believe and Hope!”, Which took place thanks to our joint work. Much time has passed, but in my heart and soul there is Faith and Hope that we can still definitely see each other together.