HIV and Your Body – Going to full 360

During September 25-26, the EHPV team attended the conference: HIV and Your Body in Amsterdam. Doctors, nurses, NGO representatives, activists and many others shared their countries’ experience. There were 330 participants from near and far abroad.
Despite the economic and social differences between the countries, the experience of the participants showed that there are common problems. Participants noted that the efforts of physicians to solve all problems related to physical health are not enough. Besides everything, patients require social and legal support, which they are deprived of in most cases.

The problems of lonely elderly people were raised, and even in their relatively good physical condition; issues of migrants, and their legal and social aspects; problems of teenagers etc. Despite all good physical well-being, all these people were united by their incapacity of mental state, which in many cases led to sad consequences. Mental health of the patient was one of the main topics of discussion, and the represented practical experience showed us how work better with the patient.

The conference was held under the Going to full 360 logo and represented information and practical skills showed us that we are moving towards this goal and until we reach it, we will not stop !!