Entries by Vassili Skripkin

XIX International Summer Camp on 15-18 Mai 2023.

EHPV is going to conduct the XIX International Summer Camp on 15-18 Mai 2023. The main goal of the International Summer Camp is to promote the development of leadership features among PLHIV. The participants are activists, volunteers, and PLHIV community leaders. International Summer Camp is 4-days training with the different methods of work: presentations with […]

European Testing Week 2023

European Testing Week is a European campaign that encourages partner organisations — in community, health care and policy institutions — throughout Europe to unite for one week twice a year to increase testing efforts and promote awareness on the benefits of earlier hepatitis and HIV testing. This initiative has progressed since its start in 2013 […]

HIV statistics 2023

As of March 30, 2023, 41-HIV-infected persons have been diagnosed in Estonia. A total of 10,623 people have been diagnosed with HIV in Estonia over the years.

World TB DAY 2023

The year 2023 is going to be critical for all of us engaged in tuberculosis (TB) work and should be championed as the ‘year of hope’ to get full support, attention, and energy for a collective ‘YES! We Can End TB’. The theme brings attention to TB and our collective power to end TB by […]

Refugiados ucranianos con VIH encuentran apoyo en Estonia

Cuando Svitlana huyó hacia Estonia debido a la guerra en Ucrania, no solo tuvo que lidiar con los retos de llegar a un país nuevo, sino además con cómo no abandonar su tratamiento contra el VIH. “Me estaba quedando sin medicamentos (…). Intenté sacar una cita con un médico yo sola, pero la lista de […]

Estonia Comes To Aid Of HIV-positive Ukraine Refugees

When Svitlana fled war-torn Ukraine for Estonia, she not only had to contend with all the usual challenges of being a refugee, she also had her HIV treatment to worry about. The 45-year-old, whose husband unknowingly infected her when they met, had been managing her illness for years with medication and now, in a new country, […]

Statistics of HIV infection.

Every month, quite a few infected people are found infected with HIV. The Health Board compiles statistics on infected people on a monthly basis. We, the Estonian HIV-positive network, in turn bring you a statistician. As of Detsember 2022, 240 HIV-infected persons have been diagnosed in Estonia. A total of 10,580 people have been diagnosed […]

Baltic Hub/Baltic Hub works as part of SoS_project 2.0_Emergency Response_HelpNow

Baltic Hub Baltic Hub works as part of SoS_project 2.0_Emergency Response_HelpNow Baltic Hub is a regional coordination center that provides services to support refugees from Ukraine (HIV+, LGBT, and other target groups) and unites HIV and LGBT organizations in Estonia, Latvia, and Finland. Estonia Estonian Network of People Living with HIV – the organization that brings […]

Invitation: Q-SPACE: Queerama Event

Dear Friends and Colleagues, On Tuesday, 20 December, 19.30 at KINO SÕPRUS, a new initiative Q-SPACE will hold its first event. Premiering, is the award winning documentary Queerama a cinematic exploration of LGBTQ+ (in)visibilty and how over time queerness became more and more overtly present in British cinema. The film consists of rare archival material and is masterfully and humorously executed into a montage, charting the LGBTQ+ […]