Entries by Vassili Skripkin

HIV-positive diagnosed in Estonia in 2022 (30.08.2022)

As of august 30, 2022, 127 HIV-infected persons have been diagnosed in Estonia. Over the years, a total of 10,477 people have been diagnosed with the HIV virus in Estonia. https://www.terviseamet.ee/et/nakkushaigused-menuu/tervishoiutootajale/nakkushaigustesse-haigestumine/hiv-ja-aids  

AIDS 2022: Major Events at the Conference

International AIDS Conference AIDS 2022 was held in Montreal from July 29 to August 2. All important HIV-related studies were presented during the conference sessions. We have collected the key abstracts that were presented at AIDS 2022, according to our team. WHO presented new Consolidated guidelines on HIV, viral hepatitis and STI prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations […]

On August 9-10, we conducted the second study visit to Riga (Latvia).

On August 9-10, we conducted the second study visit to Riga (Latvia) within the project “Exchange best practices and experiences working with refugees in the Baltics,” supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia. The project’s goal is to increase the ability to answer the needs of refugees affected by socially valuable diseases […]


Over the last two years, the multiple and overlapping crises that have rocked the world have had a devastating impact on people living with and affected by HIV, and they have knocked back the global response to the AIDS pandemic. The new data revealed in this report are frightening: progress has been faltering, resources have […]

1 липня

З радістю повідомляємо, що з 1 липня, за підтримки Талліннської міської адміністрації, клієнти, що проживають у м. Таллінн, можуть отримати послуги психологічного та соціального консультування. Якщо вас турбують страхи та невпевненість, якщо ви не бачите жодної цілі в житті й не знаєте до чого прагнути, якщо у вас постійно виникають проблеми з близькими людьми та […]

HIV-positive diagnosed in Estonia in 2022 (16.06.2022)

As of June 16, 2022, 113 HIV-infected persons have been diagnosed in Estonia. Over the years, a total of 10,463 people have been diagnosed with the HIV virus in Estonia. https://www.terviseamet.ee/et/nakkushaigused-menuu/tervishoiutootajale/nakkushaigustesse-haigestumine/hiv-ja-aids

Monkeypox: Q&A and update

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base MPV blister on a hand (US CDC) This Q&A is about the recent cases of monkeypox virus (MPV) in the UK. It will be updated as new information becomes available. Monkeypox virus (MPV) is still very rare in the UK. But the recent outbreak is significant though and needs to be taken […]