Entries by Vassili Skripkin

PrEP Training!

🧑⚕️ PrEP Training! 🧑⚕️ Join us for a training seminar on PrEP. This event is for everyone who wants to learn more about HIV prevention and how PrEP can help protect your health. During the training, we will discuss what PrEP is, how it works, and who can use it. Our invited experts from abroad […]

1 post about caffee

1 post about caffee What an incredible time we had during the Karlova Days! 🌈 Vikerkaarekohv, in collaboration with amazing team from Peemoti Keskus, brought something truly special to the event. We served up our now-famous rainbow waffles (yes they are famous now, I wont explain further), which were a hit among everyone who stopped […]

Important Announcement

Important Announcement! You can now get your HIV self-testing kit at a new location: SexMax – Tartu mnt. 62. You can also visit one of the following locations to pick up your HIV self-testing kit: • Sauna 69 – Sakala 24 • Hello Bar – Väike-Karja 1 • SexMax – Narva mnt. 9 • EHPV […]

May 19 Lighting of candles

TALLINN On May 19, 2024, a ceremony was held in Tammsaare Park to commemorate those who have died from AIDS. Participants gathered to honor the memory of those who lost their lives to this disease. The light from the candles lit in the park symbolized hope and unity in the fight against the AIDS epidemic, […]

In 2024, the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial May 19

In 2024, the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial will focus on stigma, including self-stigma, experienced by people living with HIV. The theme for this year’s event is “Let’s Spread Love and Solidarity to Build Stronger Communities.” This day is an opportunity to look within, listen, learn, and take action! The theme “Spread love and solidarity to […]

Meeting of two organizations Addiction prevention center ( Latvia) and EHPV (Estonian)

Meeting of two organizations Addiction prevention center ( Latvia) and EHPV (Estonian) On April 29, a joint event was held in Tallinn on the topic “NGO Partnership: the impact of pandemics and the new reality” between two organizations within the framework of the partnership of Addiction prevention center https://www.facebook.com/atkaribucentrs and the Estonian Network of HIV-Positive […]

У Нарві пройшла зустріч українських військових біженців із психологом Катериною

У Нарві за адресою: Лінда 4, 6 поверх пройшла зустріч українських військових біженців із психологом Катериною, за підтримки Американського посольства. Тема зустрічі -Психосаматика. На зустрічі ми розбирали тему, виконували практичну роботу. Катерина нам надала дуже багато інформації, як відстежувати свій психічний стан. Чекаємо на всіх бажаючих на наші зустрічі!!!  

Дорогі наші друзі з України, запрошуємо вас на групову зустріч 19.04.2024 об 11:00 у Нарві

Дорогі наші друзі з України, запрошуємо вас на групову зустріч 19.04.2024 об 11:00 у Нарві. Ми з вами обговоримо, що таке психосоматика, як пов’язані наші емоції та тіло, психологічні рекомендації для фізичного здоров’я. Адреса: Нарва, Лінда 4, 6 поверх.