On September 12-13 as part of the program “Adaptation of Ukrainian Refugees Living with HIV in Estonia”, the second adaptation school for Ukrainian refugees took place


On September 12-13, with the support of the American Embassy in Estonia, as part of the program “Adaptation of Ukrainian Refugees Living with HIV in Estonia”, the second adaptation school for Ukrainian refugees took place. The school was held in a beautiful location — Viimsi Spa. Participants had the opportunity not only to take part in informative and developmental seminars but also to relax both mentally and physically, stroll along the seaside, and enjoy the fresh sea breeze.

The second adaptation school aimed to develop the Ukrainian community in Estonia. The program of the school was structured in a way that participants were divided into three teams. On the first day, in the first session, each team identified its members and their roles. In the next session, strategic planning for the Ukrainian community in Estonia took place. As part of this planning, issues that have the most significant impact on the adaptation and lives of Ukrainian refugees in Estonia were identified.

In the final session, project proposals were developed during group work. Each group chose the most pressing issue for themselves and their region. Using the “brainstorming” method, ideas that could help address this issue were generated. From all the ideas, one was selected, and each group elaborated on it in their project proposal. The issues identified by participants included: in Tartu — social isolation; in Tallinn — the inability of Ukrainian specialists to find jobs in their field; and in Ida-Viru County — a lack of job opportunities for Ukrainian refugees.

Solutions to these issues included: thematic events, searching for employers supportive of Ukrainian refugees, and social entrepreneurship. All teams were given a deadline to finalize their proposals, and funding will be sought for all proposals to promote their implementation.

On the second day, participants managed to relax and take part in a creative workshop, where everyone left with a memorable souvenir. According to feedback, the second adaptation school was more interesting and beneficial for the Ukrainian community. All participants actively engaged in all sessions, shared their ideas, and demonstrated their readiness to implement them!