Entries by Vassili Skripkin


Entry regulations Residence regulations Additional information No HIV testing is required for short-term tourist stays (up to three months). An HIV test is required for a multiple entry visa. A negative HIV test result is required for long-term stays (more than three months), for students and for foreign employees. Foreign residents found to be HIV […]

September 10 is International Suicide Prevention Day.

A person with depression needs your support and confirmation more than ever This is a food for thought to say to support your friend. This Friday, September 10, is International Suicide Prevention Day. Learn more about how you can participate and contribute: peaasi.ee/olenolemas #mental health #measure  

COVID-19 vaccine deemed safe for people living with HIV

  People living with HIV should not be afraid of getting the COVID-19 vaccine and should rather discuss any concerns they may have with a medical practitioner, instead of relying on fake news. The COVID-19 vaccine does not interfere with antiretroviral medication or cause adverse side effects people living with HIV, provided a person’s immune […]