Entries by Vassili Skripkin

Presentation of the results of the study “Protection through Mobility: An Emergency Response to Hostility”.

A study on the implementation of humanitarian visa systems in the Member States of the European Union and the Schengen area has been carried out within the framework of the project “Protection through Mobility: An Emergency Response to Hostility” commissioned by the Estonian HIV-Positive Network. The results of the survey were presented on October 20, […]

A short film about HIV infection

The Estonian HIV-Positive Network presents: What to do if you have been diagnosed with HIV, have been living with HIV for years but have occasional questions about the disease if your loved one does not know where to get help? HIV peer counseling service in the Ida-Viru region is carried out with the support of […]

International Volunteer Day 5 December

Volunteer with us! LET US KNOW ABOUT YOU! We could not do our job without the help of volunteers. As an organization, we value the contribution of volunteers If you are interested in volunteering in our activities, sign yourself up! 2021 Theme: Volunteer now for our common future We aim to inspire people, whether they […]

Jaan Pliznik / Peer Consultant

#ehpv #estonia #hiv #aids #community #plwhiv #tallinn #health #Mental #support EHPV Estonian HIV-Positive Network presents: All people living with HIV should have access to treatment and the necessary support services should be available to them.

European Testing Week 2021 22-29 November

Catch up on testing! For HIV, viral hepatitis and STIs Register and join Autumn European Testing Week 2021 22-29 November Why participate in European Testing Week (ETW) this year? More than ever, ETW can help us refocus our attention to HIV, viral hepatitis and STI priorities in our countries and regions. The COVID-19 pandemic and […]

Believe and hope!

Usu  ja looda! Sulliwan Erki Pehk. Kaire Vilgats.Kayha Burns(USA) XXI Sajandi Orkester These days, filled with genuine, nothing undisguised grief from the loss of loved ones, friends of comrades-in-arms, you are acutely aware that it is impossible to get used to this … I understand that there will be a lot of grief … the rest of my life […]

ATTENTION: Job offer

You can apply for the job offer here: https://www.cvkeskus.ee/projekti-koordinaator-tallinnas-eesti-hiv-positiivsien-vorgustik-mtu-736142? To enlarge the image, press on the image. Thank you for your attention!