Entries by Vassili Skripkin

HIV and Migration

1. Equal access to social medical services and uninterrupted HIV treatment for migrants in Estonia. As more and more people are coming to Estonia for work and study. For the last two years our organisation welcomed 30 migrants from different countries including HIV positive people and the representatives of vulnerable groups asking for support in […]

A highly virulent variant of HIV-1 circulating

Evolving virulence in HIV Changes in viral load and CD4+ T cell decline are expected signals of HIV evolution. By examining data from well-characterized European cohorts, Wymant et al. report an exceptionally virulent subtype of HIV that has been circulating in the Netherlands for several years (see the Perspective by Wertheim). More than one hundred individuals infected […]

Young sexual minority men and transgender women

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain About a fifth of young sexual minority males and transgender females are estimated to be engaging in transactional, or survival sex, according to results of a new survey study by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers. The findings, which define the practice as trading sex for money, housing and other necessities (e.g., food, […]

HIV-positive diagnosed in Estonia in 2021 (27.01.2022)

As of January 27, 2022, 125 HIV-infected persons have been diagnosed in Estonia. Over the years, a total of 10,350 people have been diagnosed with the HIV virus in Estonia. https://www.terviseamet.ee/et/nakkushaigused-menuu/tervishoiutootajale/nakkushaigustesse-haigestumine/hiv-ja-aids

Information leaflets

“EHPV has developed information leaflets in Estonian, Russian and English, which introduce the possibilities of receiving help in case of a positive HIV diagnosis or suspicion of HIV. The information is aimed primarily at people who have come to Estonia from abroad to raise their awareness of the possibilities of receiving help in Estonia, but […]

A study on the implementation of humanitarian visa systems in the Member States of the European Union and the Schengen area was carried out as part of the project “Protection through Mobility: An Emergency Response to Hostility”.

A study on the implementation of humanitarian visa systems in the Member States of the European Union and the Schengen area has been carried out within the framework of the project “Protection through Mobility: An Emergency Response to Hostility” commissioned by the Estonian Network of HIV-positive People. The results of the survey were presented on […]