Presentation of the results of the study “Protection through Mobility: An Emergency Response to Hostility”.

A study on the implementation of humanitarian visa systems in the Member States of the European Union and the Schengen area has been carried out within the framework of the project “Protection through Mobility: An Emergency Response to Hostility” commissioned by the Estonian HIV-Positive Network.
The results of the survey were presented on October 20, 2021 and the survey was conducted by Liina Laanpere and Lehte Roots. ”

The first part of the study presented the legal framework for entering the European Union, including the options available to asylum seekers. The second part provided an overview of the existing humanitarian visa systems in the EU / Schengen countries and analyzed best practices. The third part gave an overview of the relevant laws in force in Estonia and provided recommendations on how to adapt the best practices of humanitarian visas to Estonian legislation.
The presentation of the project study was attended by 5 participants at the on-site EHPV office at Rävala pst 8 in Tallinn, the remaining 4 people participated through a zoom video conference. I was satisfied with the presentation.