Entries by Vassili Skripkin

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day

    The Estonian Network of People Living with HIV (www.ehpv.ee), on the eve of International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day, which is traditionally celebrated on the third Sunday of May, addressesresidents of Estonia, the government and municipalities of cities. We all live through difficult times. We know that COVID-19 is a serious disease that has […]

Vouchers for buying products from supermarkets

Estonian Network of People Living with HIV is supporting LGBT refugees from Ukraine with 100 euros worth vouchers for different supermarkets in Estonia. If you belong to the target group, please kindly perform the questionnaire below. Please be informed, that your personal data or contacts won’t be disclosed anywhere. We only need the information for […]

Нові інформаційні матеріали українською мовою

Естонська мережа людей, що живуть з ВІЛ (EHPV) – організація, що об’єднує всіх людей, що живуть з ВІЛ, та представляє їх інтереси в Естонії Якщо ви підозрюєте, що у вас ВІЛ, пройдіть тестування Тестування на ВІЛ – єдиний спосіб дізнатися про свій статус В організації можна пройти тестування на ВІЛ, гепатит С. Тестування є конфіденційним, […]

World TB Day 2022

Each year, we commemorate World Tuberculosis (TB) Day on March 24 to raise public awareness about the devastating health, social and economic consequences of TB, and to step up efforts to end the global TB epidemic. The date marks the day in 1882 when Dr Robert Koch announced that he had discovered the bacterium that […]


This year is a critical year for all of us in the global fight to end TB as we countdown to reach the UN High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on TB targets which the international community agreed to meet by the end of December. Ongoing COVID-19 efforts and a catastrophic funding gap of US$ 9 billion threatens […]

HIV-positive diagnosed in Estonia in 2022 (11.03.2022)

As of March 11, 2022, 18 HIV-infected persons have been diagnosed in Estonia. Over the years, a total of 10,368 people have been diagnosed with the HIV virus in Estonia. https://www.terviseamet.ee/et/nakkushaigused-menuu/tervishoiutootajale/nakkushaigustesse-haigestumine/hiv-ja-aids  

Help for LGBT+ refugees from Ukraine

Here you will find the main information about coming to Estonia if you are fleeing the war in Ukraine. Most of it is general, some LGBT+ specific. If you are an LGBT+ refugee from Ukraine and need any other help, please contact us at info@lgbt.ee in English, Russian, or Estonian. The information on this page will be […]