hepatitis c testing ultimate guide

Did You Know Only 21% of people know they have HCV? How testing plays a role in ending hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a viral infection in the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus, or HCV. It is spread through contact with blood from an infected person. Today, most people become infected with the virus by sharing needles or through equipment used to prepare or inject drugs. However, it can also be spread through birth from an infected mother to child, through sexual contact, sharing personal items contaminated with blood such as razors and toothbrushes, unregulated tattooing, and some health care procedures such as injections, infected blood transfusions (very rare in Canada and the US, read more about the risk of diseases from blood transfusions a previous blog post), and needlestick injuries in healthcare settings.

The immediate period following infection is called the acute phase and lasts approximately six months. Many people do not experience symptoms during this phase, or if they do, they show non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, and depression.

After six months, approximately 70%-85% of those infected with HCV will fail to clear the virus on their own, or spontaneously, and this is when hepatitis C becomes a chronic or long-term infection. This high rate showcases the importance of regular testing so that treatment, which is highly effective, can start right away.

What are the Symptoms?
Hepatitis C is a tricky virus and often presents in people with no symptoms, giving it its nickname, the silent killer. When a person does show symptoms (symptomatic), they often have:

Decreased appetite
Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain
Dark urine and pale feces
Joint pain
Those who develop symptoms generally have an onset of two to twelve weeks (up to 26 weeks.)

Most people with chronic HCV infections are asymptomatic or have non-specific symptoms such as fatigue and depression. Many of those with chronic HCV infections develop liver diseases that can be severe, such as cirrhosis or liver cancer.

How Soon Can You Test and What Kinds of Tests Are Available?
Anti-HCV seroconversion occurs an average of 8-11 weeks after exposure, although there have been cases of delayed seroconversion in immunosuppressed people, such as those with HIV.

People with a recently acquired acute infection typically have detectable HCV RNA levels as early as 1-2 weeks after exposure to the virus.


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WHO working closely with countries responding to monkeypox

WHO and partners are working to better understand the extent and cause of an outbreak of monkeypox. The virus is endemic in some animal populations in a number of countries, leading to occasional outbreaks among local people and travelers. The recent outbreaks reported across 11 countries so far are atypical, as they are occurring in non-endemic countries.

There are about 80 confirmed cases so far, and 50 pending investigations. More cases are likely to be reported as surveillance expands.

WHO is working with the affected countries and others to expand disease surveillance to find and support people who may be affected, and to provide guidance on how to manage the disease. We continue to convene meetings of experts and technical advisory groups (such as the meeting today of the Strategic & Technical Advisory Group on Infectious Hazards with Pandemic and Epidemic Potential [STAG-IH]) to share information on the disease and response strategies.

WHO continues to receive updates on the status of ongoing outbreaks in endemic countries.

Monkeypox spreads differently from COVID-19. WHO encourages people to stay informed from reliable sources, such as national health authorities, on the extent of the outbreak in their community (if any), symptoms and prevention.

As monkeypox spreads through close contact, the response should focus on the people affected and their close contacts. People who closely interact with someone who is infectious are at greater risk for infection: this includes health workers, household members and sexual partners.

Stigmatizing groups of people because of a disease is never acceptable. It can be a barrier to ending an outbreak as it may prevent people from seeking care, and lead to undetected spread.



European Testing Week(May 16-23, 2022)

European Testing Week is a European campaign that encourages partner organisations — in community, health care and policy institutions — throughout Europe to unite for one week twice a year to increase testing efforts and promote awareness on the benefits of earlier hepatitis and HIV testing. This initiative has progressed since its start in 2013 and has grown to be a widely recognised European event with hundreds of organisations participating every year. Each organisation volunteers their own time to organise their Testing Week activities and create incredible displays of a united effort to increase testing awareness.

Spring 2022 ETW (May 16-23, 2022) theme statement: In times of crisis, ensure access to safe testing services and linkage to care for the most marginalised groups.

📜You can acquaint yourself with the statement of the European Testing Week following the link ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ https://www.testingweek.eu/campaign-materials/statements/.

The current crisis in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, combined with the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic has caused a global public health emergency. Essential health services have been severely hampered and disrupted, including testing services for HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

As millions are displaced across Europe, we must collaborate to ensure the availability of safe, voluntary, confidential testing for all who want to get tested and provide support services including prevention and linkage to care.

In case your organization is willing to join the campaign the registration is available at 👉👉👉 https://www.testingweek.eu/sign-up/

📝 You can view the list of all the registered participants at 👉 https://www.testingweek.eu/get-involved/participants/

📍 Following this link ➡️ https://www.testingweek.eu/campaign-materials/ you can find and use in your activities all the materials related to the European Testing Week.

📍 It’s important to mark events and information in social networks during the European Testing Week with hashtags #EuroTestWeek, #TestTreatPrevent and tag @EuroTestWeek on Twitter and Facebook.

📍 Download the 2022 Spring ETW logo (available in 15 different languages including English, Czech, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish Turkish, and Ukrainian) here ➡️ https://www.testingweek.eu/campaign-materials/etw-logos/

📍 You can also read interesting news and announcements in the organizers’ newsletter at ➡️ https://mailchi.mp/rh/setw2022_start_reminder

👆 Besides make sure your organization is on the European Test Finder http://www.testfinder.info/ . With the ongoing health crisis in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, it is especially important that displaced people can find the nearest location for testing, treatment, and other support services related to HIV, viral hepatitis, STIs, and tuberculosis. If you are not registered yet but ready to provide information about your services, you can do so at 👉👉👉 https://www.testfinder.info/register.

EU Statement on the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, 17 May 2022

1434th meeting of the Committee of Ministers on 11 May 2022

  1. On the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT), the European Union reaffirms its strong commitment to respect, protect and fulfil the full and equal enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons.
  2. Over the last 10 years, we have seen signs of progress worldwide, particularly in Europe. Yet, discrimination and exclusion on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI) persist, and levels of violence against LGBTI persons are alarming, even when underreported.
  3. LGBTI persons are particularly vulnerable to violence and discrimination during armed conflicts. Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified aggression against Ukraine has put the spotlight on LGBTI persons both caught up in, and trying to, flee conflicts and humanitarian emergencies. There have been reports of transgender persons being hindered during their flight as well as incidents of violence against LGBTI persons. More needs to be done to offer them support, protection and safe spaces.
  4. We commend the Council of Europe’s work in this field, including through the European LGBTI Governmental Focal Points Network, and a dedicated working group of the Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion. The EU looks forward in particular to the Comprehensive review of the implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec (2010)5 on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity as well as its thematic dimensions and the future Recommendation on the equality of rights of intersex persons. In accordance with this year’s theme – Our Bodies, Our Lives, Our Rights – we pledge our support for the right of all LGBTI persons in Europe and beyond to be free from physical violence, from so-called “conversion therapies” or forced sterilisation.
  5. 40 years after the ground-breaking case of Dudgeon v. the United Kingdom, the European Court of Human Rights continues to be a pioneer in upholding and strengthening the human rights of LGBTI persons across the Council of Europe membership. We also value the work of the Commissioner for Human Rights in this regard.
  6. 2022 is also the European Year of Youth: young persons, who often face rejection by their families and harassment online and offline, need to be accepted and valued for who they are. The proper implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec (2010)5 is particularly relevant in this regard, including its provisions on providing objective information with respect to sexual orientation and gender identity, for instance in school curricula and educational materials, and providing pupils and students with the necessary information, protection and support to enable them to live in accordance with their sexual orientation and gender identity.
  7. The EU looks forward to the annual IDAHOT+ Forum, the major European event regarding the promotion and safeguarding of LGBTI rights on our continent, which will take place in Limassol, Cyprus on 12 of May 2022, co-hosted by the Republic of Cyprus and the United Kingdom, with the support of the Council of Europe’s SOGI Unit.
  8. The EU will continue to speak up and act to affirm the human rights of LGBTI persons and we will combat violence and hate speech based on SOGI – in times of peace and in times of conflict. We will continue our efforts to promote legal, political and financial anti-discrimination measures in close co-operation with civil society and relevant Council of Europe bodies.

The following countries align with this statement: Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, San Marino and Ukraine


Join us to light a candle for memory of people who died from AIDS and COVID-19.

Join us to light a candle for memory of people who died from AIDS and COVID-19.

  1. Light a memorial candle on the terrace, balcony, garden or wherever it is comfortable for you
  2. Remember and pray for relatives, friends, acquaintances who have died of AIDS or COVID-19
  3. Share your memory and photos with us on social networks and donot forget to tag us #ehpv or @ EHPV – Estonian HIV-Positive Network.

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day



The Estonian Network of People Living with HIV (www.ehpv.ee), on the eve of International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day, which is traditionally celebrated on the third Sunday of May, addressesresidents of Estonia, the government and municipalities of cities.

We all live through difficult times. We know that COVID-19 is a serious disease that has affected the country. Experience gained from the HIV epidemic can also be used to combat COVID-19.

We urge you to pay attention to people affected by COVID-19 who need our support. As it was with AIDS response, governments must work with communities to find solutions on local level.

Government, ministries, municipalities, and the population itself must respect the rights and dignity of people affected by COVID-19. Key populations should not bear the brunt of stigma and discrimination as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Forty years of fighting the HIV epidemic is an experience based on human rights and community orientation, which are key points in the fight against any epidemic. Building trust between affected communities, government, and the health system is also needed to effectively and quickly respond to the rapid spread of the pandemic.

We can say that viruses have captured our consciousness and our lives, but not the virus itself is important, but its consequences – stigma and discrimination. When the people infected by such “viruses”, it becomes important for us: what is your skin color, gender, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, the presence of a disease, etc. At the same time, the deeper the virus penetrates our consciousness, the more it forces to manifest: bias, injustice, violence. As a result, stigmatized person is left alone with his problem.

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day, is one of the oldest and largest mobilization campaigns in the world to raise public awareness of HIV and AIDS in the world, serves as an important means of global solidarity, breaking down barriers of stigma and discrimination and giving hope to new generations.

The HIV epidemiological situation in Estonia continues to be difficult. The persistent high incidence of HIV infection, the steady growth rate of new infections, the increase in the total number of HIV-infected people, the “growing up” of the infection and its activation in the general population due to the increase in sexual transmission are real today. Over the years in Estonia, 10265 people were diagnosed with HIV, including 567 people with AIDS.

Modern medicine have allowed HIV infection to pass from the category of fatal to chronic. Having started treatment with antiretroviral drugs in time, and following all the doctor’s instructions, people living with HIV live a long and full life. There is no cure for AIDS, but there is an opportunity to slow down its development. As Estonia has access to antiretroviral therapy, HIV / AIDS must be seen as a disease, not a death sentence. But even now, death from AIDS arises due to the fact that an HIV-positive person is not able to receive specialized medical services and antiretroviral treatment on time.

Our common vision is zero new HIV cases, zero discrimination against people living with HIV and zero AIDS-related deaths, but this requires investment, open and honest dialogue about it between the government and society. When we recognize the scale of the effects of viruses on our lives, we will seek to minimize the risk of contracting them.

On the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day, we want to recall one more time that the human right to health is the basic right of every person. And no one has the right to deprive it! We wish, as never before, to mobilize all our efforts to eradicate stigma and discrimination, violation of human rights and bring a clear understanding that we are all vulnerable.

We hope that the COVID-19 pandemic, since the HIV epidemic did not quite cope with this at the time, will change the attitude generally to any problems in society related with viruses. It is very important to support those who are trying to confront these problems, regardless of the situation, age, gender, etc. It has long been clear to the PLHIV community that viruses do not forgive a frivolous attitude towards them. We hope that on this day this awareness will come to you.

Join us to light a candle for memory of people who died from AIDS and COVID-19.

  1. Light a memorial candle on the terrace, balcony, garden or wherever it is comfortable for you
  2. Remember and pray for relatives, friends, acquaintances who have died of AIDS or COVID-19
  3. Share your memory and photos with us on social networks and donot forget to tag us #ehpv or @ EHPV – Estonian HIV-Positive Network.


+372 5870 6070 (in Russian)
+372 5616 7097  (in Estonian)
+372 57816023  (in English)


We Remember. We Take Action. We Live Beyond HIV!”

We are excited to share with you the details of the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2022, which will be held on Sunday May 15, 2022
The Memorial was started in 1983 by people living with HIV, to remember the lives lost to AIDS and to honour those who dedicated their lives to helping people living with and affected by HIV.
The Estonian Network PLWHIV over the years has continued to coordinate the efforts to make the day memorable and continue to mobilise our communities in solidarity in Estonia.

We are excited to share with you the recently updated International AIDS Candlelight Memorial website where we have information on global and local eventswith our perennial theme “We Remember. We Take Action. We Live Beyond HIV!”


Given the safety measures adopted by in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, like in the previous year Estonian Network PLWHIV encourages everyone to mark the day individually or virtually.
A more active role on social media will be necessary though to make this year’s commemoration a meaningful one.

Vouchers for buying products from supermarkets

Estonian Network of People Living with HIV is supporting LGBT refugees from Ukraine with 100 euros worth vouchers for different supermarkets in Estonia.

If you belong to the target group, please kindly perform the questionnaire below. Please be informed, that your personal data or contacts won’t be disclosed anywhere. We only need the information for assessing your qualification into the target group of this project and for being able to contact you.


1.May starts a new project

1.May starts a new project: Exchange best practices and experiences working with refugees in the Baltics.

Нові інформаційні матеріали українською мовою

Естонська мережа людей, що живуть з ВІЛ (EHPV) – організація, що об’єднує всіх людей, що живуть з ВІЛ, та представляє їх інтереси в Естонії
Якщо ви підозрюєте, що у вас ВІЛ, пройдіть тестування
Тестування на ВІЛ – єдиний спосіб дізнатися про свій статус
В організації можна пройти тестування на ВІЛ, гепатит С. Тестування є конфіденційним, анонімним та безкоштовним
Якщо Ви знаєте про свій ВІЛ-позитивний статус, починайте або продовжуйте
Після підтвердження статусу необхідно якомога скоріше почати прийом АРВ-терапії. АРВ-терапія не виліковує ВІЛ, проте призупиняє його подальший розвиток
Отримання медичної допомоги і АРВ-терапії в Естонії
Для проживаючих та працюючих в Естонії АРВ-терапія та ліки безкоштовні, незважаючи на наявність медичного страхування
Біженці з України, що живуть з ВІЛ, можуть безкоштовно отримати допомогу лікаря-інфекціоніста та АРВ-терапію
Консультаційні послуги EHPV
Психолог – прийняття статусу, повідомлення про діагноз близькому оточенню, інші психолонічні питання
Соціальний працівник – вирішення соціальних труднощів (оформлення документів, отримання соціальної та гуманітарної допомоги, пошук роботи та ін.), медичних питань (отримання медичних препаратів, медичних послуг)
Рівний консультант – питання, пов’язані з ВІЛ і лікуванням, наркозалежністю, гепатитами, туберкульозом, підтримка з питань створення сім’ї
Сімейна терапія – різнопланова підтримка для пар, де один або обидва партнери ВІЛ-позитивні
м. Таллінн – Rävala pst 8-1014
м. Нарва – Linda 4, 6.этаж
м. Йихві – Rakvere tn 4
Для спілкування українською – +372 5376 1550, Алла
Для спілкування російською – +372 5870 6070, Лачін
Для спілкування естонською та англійською – +372 5557 8131, Катерина