Open Letter

On behalf of representatives of the HIV-communities, we express our support to all measures that are taking to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Despite the fact that the effect of COVID-19 on the general condition of people living with HIV has not yet been fully proven, COVID is already a concern for HIV-positive population.

From the beginning of the emergency situation, Estonian Network of PLHIV has not stopped its activities and started to work in a special mode. Not a single person who needs our help is left unattended, but at the same time, our activities are not fully able to satisfy all the needs of our customers without government support.

The Estonian Network of PLHIV joins the UNAIDS recommendations and asks  Estonian government to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. During  the emergency situation HIV services should be available to people living with HIV and people, who at risk of HIV infection. The service should include the access of condoms, opioid substitution therapy, sterile needles and syringes, harm reduction and HIV testing.
  2. Provide the complete course  of ARVT-therapy for a period of three months or more.
  3. Ensure the access to services for vulnerable people and remove financial barriers such as service charges (5 euros per visit to a doctor).

Despite the fact that PLHIV have the same recommendations as the general population, the PLHIV community needs additional precautions, as the PLHIV community remains a vulnerable group.

Despite the difficult situation around the world, Estonian network of PLHIV is not discouraged and contributes the goals of sustainable development of the world and supports the government in combating COVID-19. To facilitate its situation and resolve certain issues, the state needs to build  dialogue with local communities, as they are daily involved in working with people who are at risk.

COVID-19 pandemic will  reveal vulnerable aspects in the government’s previous policy, which does not always properly pay attention to the activities of NGOs. At the moment  many NGOs have not yet faced the full complexity of the pandemic, but in the near future most of them will not be able to fully fulfill their mission. The government, when referring to business support, overlooks the activities of NGOs, which at this stage can play an important role.

Talking about general trends for non-profit sector and charity the situation will only decline, because in any unstable situation, people reduce all kinds of expenses. What then remains for us to do, if there is nothing to reduce? But what we are sure about, that we are not going to either close programs or leave the niche of helping people living with HIV. And also hoping that the situation will change and the government will estimate and support our activities.

We do not collect private donations, like many of our colleagues do, and as a result of this we do not really see the difference between the current situation and the one that was before. We believe that such emergencies in the world will bring people together and as a result, many charitable projects will find their support.

For our side, we ask the help of specialists and volunteers of NGOs who have received a medical education, as well as other specialists in related specialties.

Maybe COVID-19 pandemic and will change attitudes in general to any problems in society associated with viruses. It is very important to support those who are trying to confront these problems, regardless of the situation, age, gender, etc. It has long been clear to the PLHIV community that viruses do not forgive a frivolous attitude towards them. We hope that this awareness will come to everyone in society and in the state.

COVID-19 is not only medical problem, but also socio-economic issue, as was the case with HIV infection. The Estonian network of PLHIV calls on all people, without exception, to help the state and contribute to the fight against COVID-19, simply follow all the recommendations   and do not panic.

Happy Birthday!

15 years ago…. in suburbs of Narva in Laagna it was decided to create the Network of PLHIV by the group of activists.

Stay healthy! Take care of yourself and those who around!

Happy Birthday! Be healthy! #Estonia #EHPV #PLWHIV 01.04.2005 #Anno




Due to the global coronavirus pandemic and its possible wider spread in Estonia, the government has declared an emergency situation in the country until May 01, unless the government decides to extend it.

From March 13, 2020, the representative offices of the Estonian network of PLHIV and community centers in Tallinn, Narva and Jõhvi are starting to work in a special mode. As per current situation, no one should be left without services, but it is necessary to ensure the safety of both customers and employees. Our clients belong to the risk group, and therefore, in addition to the recommendations of the Department of Health, we revised the working process and changed the work schedule of stationary centers.

Face-to-face meetings and groups are canceled prior to special order. All the group-meetings and psychological consultations will be conducted remotely. Info by phone +372 5622 4076 (Natalia)

All consultations are conducted online by telephone or remotely via social networks and applications.

Delivery of ARV medication and questions about self-testing – by individual agreement.


Tallinn: +372 5870 6070 (Latshin), +372 5918 4194 (Denis), +372 5781 6023 (Sagib)

Narva: +37255578131 (Jekaterina), +37253004074 (Tat’yana), +37253334226 (Elena)

Jõhvi: +372 5331 7025 (Elena), +372 5675 3737 (Nadezhda)

Info: +372 5870 6070

Our offices:

Tallinn, Rävala pst.8-1014 

Jõhvi, Rakvere tn.5a 

Narva, Linda tn.4, 6 k.


We inform our clients and employees that if you have symptoms of coronavirus, then you need to contact your family doctor and avoid contact with other people! You can also consult by phone with family doctors 1220 or emergency line 112.


Common recommendations of the Department of Health about how to protect yourself and others from viral diseases are available in Estonian and Russian here:

All recommendations of the Department of Health regarding the coronavirus COVID-19 are available in Estonian and Russian here: https: //

Recommendations are related to maintaining physical and emotional health.


Estonian Network of PLHIV


Health Department general guidelines about how to protect yourself and others from viral diseases

Due to the global coronavirus pandemic and its possible wider spread in Estonia, the government has declared an emergency situation in the country until May 01, unless the government decides to extend it. As per current situation, no one should be left without services, but it is necessary to ensure the safety of both customers and employees. Our clients belong to the risk group, and therefore, in addition to the safety measures recommendations of the Department of Health, we also recommend you to review the working process in your organization and, if necessary, change the work schedule of stationary centers. Please discuss with your employees the need and scope of changes to reduce the risk of infection for workers and customers.

There is no need to cancel the specialist receptions . If possible, keep in touch with clients by phone, skype and other tools and regularly check how they are doing, consult if it is necessary.

The offices, and especially it’s common surfaces, must be disinfected as often as possible.

Common recommendations to prevent the spread of infections:

  • frequently used rooms, objects and surfaces, such as door handles, railings, elevator buttons, switches, chair backs, toilets and showers, must be disinfected with ordinary household cleaners, as well as disinfectants (biocides)
  • adequate ventilation should be provided
  • frequently to wash hands
  • items in common use should be cleaned / washed after each use or use it less frequently than usual

You will find more detailed recommendations regarding cleaning and disinfection rules on the web-page of Health Department (in Estonian and Russian):

If possible, please print out and give your clients the recommendations of the Department of Health regarding the coronavirus COVID-19, which are available in Estonian and Russian here: The recommendations relate to maintaining physical and emotional health.


Common recommendations of the Department of Health about how to protect yourself and others from viral diseases are available in Estonian and Russian here:

If you have health concern, then you need to contact your family doctor and avoid contact with other people! You can also consult by phone with family doctors 1220 or emergency line 112.


On the eve of International Women’s Day, EHPV gave an open session in Narva, which refers to HIV prophylaxis. The event was organized by a young female team – Sexties, which do not remain indifferent to sexual education among local youth. During the session we discussed the history of HIV, ways of transmission, symptoms, treatment and also we touched the ways of prevention, and in particular new ones – PrEP and PEP.

To discuss future collaboration or just discuss the issues of HIV-infection, please send PM @ KulbaevSagib.

Those who are wishing to attend next Sexties’ events in Narva, please contact to (Instagram)

World AIDS Day

This year Estonian Network of PLHIV celebrates World AIDS Day for the 14th time.
On that day, we remember everyone who died of AIDS and gather all those who need our support. Unfortunately, today we still cannot say that AIDS is defeated.

In his message to World AIDS Day, Winnie Byanyima, UNAIDS Executive Director and United Nations Under-Secretary-General, talks about the role of communities in their daily struggle:

I believe in communities.

Communities make change happen.

Communities are the best hope for ending AIDS because communities have fought against HIV right from the beginning! 

Read more


HIV and Your Body – Going to full 360

During September 25-26, the EHPV team attended the conference: HIV and Your Body in Amsterdam. Doctors, nurses, NGO representatives, activists and many others shared their countries’ experience. There were 330 participants from near and far abroad.
Despite the economic and social differences between the countries, the experience of the participants showed that there are common problems. Participants noted that the efforts of physicians to solve all problems related to physical health are not enough. Besides everything, patients require social and legal support, which they are deprived of in most cases.

The problems of lonely elderly people were raised, and even in their relatively good physical condition; issues of migrants, and their legal and social aspects; problems of teenagers etc. Despite all good physical well-being, all these people were united by their incapacity of mental state, which in many cases led to sad consequences. Mental health of the patient was one of the main topics of discussion, and the represented practical experience showed us how work better with the patient.

The conference was held under the Going to full 360 logo and represented information and practical skills showed us that we are moving towards this goal and until we reach it, we will not stop !!

Join in the Global Men’s Health and Rights Survey


On September 4th 2019 was launched fourth global survey on the health and human rights of gay men, bisexual men and other men who have sex with men.
The 2019 Global Men’s Health and Rights Survey (GMHR 2019) focuses on factors that impact the health of gay and bisexual men around the world including discrimination, access to services, and the criminalization of homosexuality. The survey also addresses issues of mental health, freedom of gender identity and expression, and social connection and wellbeing which have all shown to be indicators of broader sexual health.

We are “online” !

Estonian Network of PLHIV (EHPV) offers online consultations for gay and bisexual men, other men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender people (TG), PLHIV, and their partners to increase your awareness of HIV and hepatitis C, its treatment, and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Also, we are here to increase your access to testing and treatment as well as mental and social assistance.
Let’s fight stigma and discrimination towards gay and bisexual men, MSM, TG, and PLHIV together! We are here because we care!